Today, on March 31, the EU Delegation headed by Andrea Wiktorin, the EU Ambassador to the Republic of Armenia, paid a study visit to the Armenian NPP. Accompanied by the senior management of the ANPP, the visitors performed a plant walkdown; particularly they’ve been at the Turbine Hall, Main Control Room, got locally familiar with the simulator and the activities implemented through the EU support and funding, as well as with the procured superaccurate safety-important equipment.
During the meeting held following the walkdown, the «HAEK» CJSC Director General E. Martirosyan briefly highlighted the unprecedented scope of maintenance/modernization activities envisaged for the current year, following which the EU support programs being implemented and the long-term plans were discussed in detail.
The European Union has been providing continuous assistance to the ANPP in implementation of a number of programs aimed at improving the ANPP safety: around 50 such programs have been implemented at the plant, currently the programs related to the modernization of the Reactor Department safety equipment, the procurement of mobile diesel-generators based on the results of the performed stress tests, are being implemented. Particular emphasis was placed upon the implementation of the programs regarding radwaste management and the construction of the solar station, expecting an active exchange of experience of the EU member-states in this field.
Upon completion of the meeting the parties have assured their commitment to continue the cooperation for the sake of the further safe operation of the Armenian NPP.