For the Armenian NPP the issue of training/ professional development of key specialists in the energy field has always been topical. To the various activities carried out in this direction another one was added today: a Memorandum on Cooperation between the “HAEK” CJSC and the “Yerevan State University” foundation has been signed.
The Memorandum outlined certain areas of cooperation, such as the training of highly qualified personnel that meet the requirements of the Armenian NPP within the educational programs; performance of organizational functions necessary for the plant staff development and retraining; organizing joint discussions aimed at solving the ANPP strategic issues, organizng workshops, joint implementation of scientific and production, research work etc.
In accordance with the Memorandum, the necessary conditions will be created for the effective conduct of educational, production, pre-graduation and research practices for students at the ANPP. Based on the proposals submitted to the YSU and having received a positive judgment from experts, curricula and subject programs will be periodically reviewed and updated.
The signing of the Memorandum is a new opportunity to select YSU graduate students based on their performance indicators, to replenish the ANPP talent pool with the necessary specialists and to involve them for working at the NPP in the future.