On May 17, 2023 Yuri Hovhannisyan, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Foreign Member of the RA National Academy of Sciences visited the Armenian NPP. The eminent scientist of Armenian descent visited the nuclear power plant accompanied by Sergey Minasyan, Professor of the National Polytechnic University of Armenia, Member of the HAEK CJSC Board of Directors.
After a long interval this was the second visit of the distinguished scientist to the Armenian NPP, and it should be noted that he was quite impressed with the current condition of the plant and the implemented large-scale upgrading activities.
During the meeting Yu. Hovhannisyan briefly told about his years-long fruitful activities in the field of nuclear physics, the results of which are, undoubtedly, of a global nature. It is noteworthy that the famous scientist has made a great contribution to the synthesis of new elements (112-118) of the Mendeleev’s periodic table, moreover, the 118th element was named “oganesson” in his honor.
Today the Armenian scientist, honored with numerous international awards, is in charge of the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna (Russia), within the framework of whose activities he expressed his willingness to assist both the research institutes in the field of nuclear physics and the Armenian NPP.