The Meeting of the WANO-MC TDs/CEs Was Held in Armenia
On September 17-18, 2019 the Ninth Meeting of Technical Directors (Chief Engineers) of the WANO-MC operating organizations and nuclear power plants was held in Yerevan.
The meeting was attended by 41 technical directors (chief engineers) of operating organizations/nuclear power plants of Armenia, Belarus, Hungary, India, Iran, China, Russia, the Slovak Republic, Turkey, the Ukraine, the Czech Republic, the deputy general constructor of “Hydropress” EDB FSUE, the first deputy general director, chief engineer of «Atomenergoremont» JSC, the first deputy general director of «VNIIAES» JSC, the chief engineer of «Atomflot» FSUE, the managers and employees of the WANO Moscow Centre, as well as the project director from the WANO London Office.
During the meeting of TDs (CEs) the following issues were discussed:
- the fundamentals of production activities in the area of maintenance and repair (M&R),
- NPP operation best practices/areas of concern.
On September 19 the participants of the meeting of TDs (CEs) visited the Armenian NPP site with a technical tour. During the technical tour the participants of the event had a walkdown in the Main Control Room, Turbine Hall, MCR Simulator Rooms, DGS, Training Centre.
The meeting of TDs (CEs) of Operating Organizations/NPPs is a regularly conducted WANO-MC event which serves as a platform for experience exchange among the OO/NPP technical directors. The first meeting of TDs (CEs) of Operating Organizations/NPPs was held on the initiative of the WANO-MC at the Chernobyl NPP in 2011.