In the framework of a working visit to the city of Metsamor on March 24, 2023, a delegation led by Maksim Pukhov, the mayor of Polyarniye Zori, Murmansk Region of the Russian Federation, accompanied by the head of the Metsamor community V. Khachatryan, visited the Armenian NPP.
The visitors first made a study walkdown of the ANPP territory, in the Turbine Department and the Main Control Room they were introduced to the functions of the main and auxiliary systems and equipment comprised in the technological circuit of electricity production, and learned about the large-scope modernization activities carried out at Unit 2.
The topic of the agenda of the meeting, which took place after the walkdown, was the long-term close and friendly cooperation of Metsamor-Polyarniye Zori, as well as the ANPP-Kola NPP, which is expanding every year.
Both cities essentially have a lot in common, as they were settlements adjacent to the NPP under construction, where specialists participating in construction work, and then specialists working at the NPP, had to live. Later, both received the status of a city, and then they were announced as twin cities. Moreover, the Armenian NPP was built on the example of the Kola NPP located in the city of Polyarniye Zori (with a WWER-440 type reactor, practically with the same regulatory basis), the operating turbines of which were delivered from this city. It was at the Kola NPP that a special department was established, where specialists were trained for the Armenian NPP under construction. As before, during the implementation of large-scope modernization activities of Unit 2 as well, a large number of specialists of the company "Kolatomenergoremont" (which is a branch of "Atomenergoremont" JSC) living in the above-mentioned city of the Russian Federation, were involved.
It is also planned to apply the actual experience of the Kola NPP in performance of ANPP Unit 2 operating life re-extension activities, since they have successfully implemented the Program of Operating Life Re-Extension for Two Power Units.
At the end of the meeting, the parties expressed their willingness to support to the maximum the organization and holding of various events between the cities in various fields, which will contribute to the enhancement and further development of cooperation between the nuclear plants and the cities adjacent to them.