In addition to the scope of the annual outage, as part of outage-2023 a number of activities were implemented which were aimed at improving the safety of the plant operation. The employees of the main departments of the ANPP, as well as other experienced specialists from the Russian Federation, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and other countries were involved in the work.
Activities on replacement of Unit 2 2RCP-1÷6 pump units wraparound pipelines, improvement of reactor facility confinement leak-tightness, installation of a new system of boron unit air-cooling, installation/dismantling of the I and II channel ELCS pipelines and support & suspension system in the turbine hall, installation/dismantling of sections of the circulating water pipelines to cooling tower №1 and other activities were performed.
In the framework of the ANPP Unit 2 life extension project, during outage-2023 MAW type valves installed in the unit systems were replaced with valves of a new type and units 2Р-1, 2В-2, 2В-4 of the air-cooling systems of the reactor facility confinement were replaced. In addition, work on installation of auxiliary equipment of turbine generators №3 and №4 was performed.
Currently activities are uderway to prepare Unit 2 for start-up after the outage.