Within December 13-17, 2021 upon the invitation of «Skoda JS» company Eduard Martirosyan, «HAEK» CJSC General Director, and Movses Vardanyan, First Deputy General Director–ANPP Director visited the Czech Republic. The working visit was aimed at studying in situ the reactor facility components and the sites for production of spent nuclear fuel storage casks, as well as the fuel compact storage racks. Under the EU Support Program the Armenian NPP has been actively cooperating with the «Skoda JS» company since 2004. The project related to the spent fuel storage facilities is definitely a crucial one among the other top important projects that have been implemented so far.
The Armenian NPP management following the scheduled visit agenda attended also the Dukovany NPP. In the controlled area of the Czech NPP they had an opportunity to examine in situ the spent nuclear fuel dry storage casks produced by «Skoda JS» company, and at Unit 2 that was under scheduled annual outage they got acquainted with the equipment, systems and the activities being implemented.
The management of the «HAEK» CJSC also had working meetings with the senior staff of Bria s.r.o. and TacticWare s.r.o. Czech companies, they attended the test site and participated in the tests implemented under the perimeter security project.
In the course of the working meetings a number of issues of mutual importance have been discussed that will not only contribute to the enhancement of the Armenian–Czech cooperation, but also to its further development.